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Instructional Videos help your group understand basic principles of multiplying disciples.
Group Discussions help your group think through what is being shared.
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Session Challenges help your group keep learning and growing between sessions.
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Get HelpZúme 是希臘文﹐意思是酵母﹐在馬太福音十三章三十三節裏﹐耶穌說︰「天國好像麵酵﹐有婦人拿來﹐藏在三斗麵裏﹐直等全團都發起來。」這裏比喻天國就像麵酵,普普通通的凡夫俗子﹐只用普普通通的資源﹐卻能為神的國造成無比非凡的影響。這就是「天國酵母」的目標:裝備一般信徒﹐在這個世代成為「天國酵母」﹐讓建立門徒者遍滿全地,神的國度降臨萬邦。