The sections below, will teach you what it means to be a follower (disciple) of Jesus
Bog deluje po navadnih ljudeh
Videli boste, kako Bog deluje po navadnih ljudeh, ki počnejo preproste stvari, da bi dosegel velik učinek.
Preprosta opredelitev pojmov učenec in cerkev
Spoznajte, kaj pomeni biti učenec, postati učenec in kaj je cerkev.
Vision Casting the Greatest Blessing
Learn a simple pattern of making not just one follower of Jesus but entire spiritual families who multiply for generations to come.
Življenjski slog potrošnika in delavca
You'll discover the four main ways God makes everyday followers more like Jesus.
Spiritual Breathing is Hearing and Obeying God
Biti učenec pomeni, da slišimo Boga in smo mu poslušni.
Kako preživeti eno uro v molitvi
See how easy it is to spend an hour in prayer.
The BLESS Prayer Pattern
Molite po preprostem vzorcu, ki vas bo spomnil, kako lahko molite za druge.
S.O.A.P.S. Bible Reading
Orodje za vsakodnevno preučevanje Svetega pisma, ki vam pomaga razumeti Božjo besedo, ji biti poslušen in jo deliti.
Zvestoba je boljša od znanja
It's important what disciples know — but it's much more important what they DO with what they know.
3/3 Group Meeting Pattern
A 3/3 Group is a way for followers of Jesus to meet, pray, learn, grow, fellowship and practice obeying and sharing what they've learned. In this way, a 3/3 Group is not just a small group but a Simple Church.
Accountability Groups
Orodje za dve ali tri osebe istega spola, ki se tedensko srečujejo in druga drugo spodbujajo na področjih uspeha ter razkrivajo področja, ki potrebujejo spremembe.
Vedno del dveh cerkva
Learn how to obey Jesus' commands by going AND staying.
Gospodova večerja in kako jo voditi
It's a simple way to celebrate our intimate connection and ongoing relationship with Jesus. Learn a simple way to celebrate.
Baptism and How To Do It
Jesus said, “Go and make disciples of all nations, BAPTIZING them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit…” Learn how to put this into practice.
The Spiritual Economy
Spoznajte, kako se Božje gospodarstvo razlikuje od posvetnega. Bog vlaga več v tiste, ki zvesto ravnajo s tem, kar jim je že bilo dano.
Oči, da bi videli, kje kraljestva ni
Začnite prepoznavati, kje Božjega kraljestva ni. To so običajno kraji, kjer Bog najbolj želi delovati.
Then Jesus came to them and said, "All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me. Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age." (Matthew 28:18-20 )
Duckling Discipleship – Leading Immediately
Learn what ducklings have to do with disciple-making
Training Cycle for Maturing Disciples
Learn the training cycle and consider how it applies to disciple making.
Pričakujte neenakomerno rast
See how disciple making doesn't have to be linear. Multiple things can happen at the same time.
Pace of Multiplication Matters
Multiplying matters and multiplying quickly matters even more. See why pace matters.
Zvestoba v odnosih - seznam 100
A tool designed to help you be a good steward of your relationships.
Evangelij in kako ga deliti
Learn a way to share God’s Good News from the beginning of humanity all the way to the end of this age.
Pripravite svoje 3-minutno pričevanje
Naučite se, kako v treh minutah deliti svoje pričevanje o tem, kako je Jezus vplival na vaše življenje.
Oseba miru in kako jo najti
Learn who a person of peace might be and how to know when you've found one.
Prayer Walking and How To Do It
It's a simple way to obey God’s command to pray for others. And it's just what it sounds like — praying to God while walking around!
Peer Mentoring Groups
This is a group that consists of people who are leading and starting 3/3 Groups. It also follows a 3/3 format and is a powerful way to assess the spiritual health of God’s work in your area.
Coaching Checklist
A powerful tool you can use to quickly assess your own strengths and vulnerabilities when it comes to making disciples who multiply.
Leadership Cells
A Leadership Cell is a way someone who feels called to lead can develop their leadership by practicing serving.
Leadership in Networks
Learn how multiplying churches stay connected and live life together as an extended, spiritual family.