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Faithfulness is Better Than Knowledge

Faithfulness is a much better measure of spiritual maturity than knowledge and training. As we multiply disciples, let’s make sure we’re measuring the right things. If we obey and share what we hear with others, we are faithful. If we hear but we refuse to obey and share, we are unfaithful.

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There are two ideas that have caused a number of problems in the church, today.

The first is the idea that someone’s spiritual maturity is connected to how much they know about God’s Word. They act as if RIGHT BELIEF - or orthodoxy - is a good measure of someone’s faith. 

The second is the idea that someone’s ability to lead requires a “full training” before they begin in ministry. They act as if COMPLETE KNOWLEDGE - is a good measure of someone’s ability to serve. The problem with the first idea - relying on ORTHODOXY - or “right belief” is that Satan, himself, knows more scripture than any human. 

GOD’S WORD says - You believe that there is one God. Good! Even the demons believe that--and shudder. A better measure of someone’s spiritual maturity is ORTHOPRAXY - “right practice”. We should be much more concerned with FAITHFULNESS in OBEYING and SHARING than measuring maturity based only on what we know.

The problem with the second idea - that someone must be fully trained before they lead is that no one is ever fully trained. Jesus modeled sending out young leaders who still had many things to learn to do some of the most important work in the Kingdom. God’s Word says - Jesus called together his twelve apostles and gave them complete power over all demons and diseases.

Then he sent them to tell about God’s kingdom and to heal the sick. These men were sent before Peter shared his belief that Jesus was Savior - something we’d consider a first step of faith. And even after being sent Jesus rebuked Peter multiple times for mistakes and Peter would still later deny Jesus, completely. Other followers argued over who was the greatest and what role each would play in God’s future Kingdom. 

They all still had a lot to learn but Jesus put them to work sharing what they already knew. Faithfulness - more than knowledge - is something that can start as soon someone begins to follow Jesus.

Maturity is time-dependent, but faithfulness can be demonstrated at any and every point in a disciple’s life.

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