In this session will learn why multiplying matters and why multiplying quickly matters even more. This session is about PACE. Pace is about time - how quickly or slowly things happen. Pace matters because where we all spend our eternity - an existence that outlasts time - is determined in the short time we call “life”.
God’s Word tells us that God is patient with us - not wanting anyone to perish, but everyone to turn around and follow Him. God gives us more time because He knows we only have a short time to do all He’s called us to do and to reach all He’s called us to reach.
To follow Jesus more closely, we have to pursue His people more quickly. We can’t just take our time. We have to increase our PACE.
The global church -- all followers of Jesus, together -- is larger than it’s ever been. The global church -- all followers of Jesus, together -- is a larger portion of the world’s population than ever before. But even with those large numbers - the global church is not growing faster than the global population.
That means that while there are more of us who follow Jesus than ever before, there are even more who are not following Jesus and will spend their eternity separated from Him, more than there have ever been before.
Making disciples who multiply matters. Start with just one disciple. If they multiply and make a new disciple once every 18 months - an entire year and a half - and then those disciples do the same - in 10 years, there will be 64 new followers of Jesus. 64 people will spend their forever with a loving God.
But what if they moved a little faster? What if they increased their PACE?
If they multiply now in 4 months - a quarter of year - instead of 18 months, and those disciple do the same - in 10 years, there will now be a billion new followers of Jesus. Think about that. Instead of less than 100. More than 1,000,000,000.
All by increasing PACE.
Going from 18 months to 4 months means we’re moving four-and-a-half times faster. But that acceleration applied to every disciple over the course of 10 years means God’s family is growing 15 MILLION TIMES faster. Less than a hundred. More than a billion.
PACE matters.
Sharing our story and God’s story and leading someone to follow Jesus grows God’s family. Sharing with a new follower how to do exactly the same grows God’s family like a wildfire. Exponentially. Like yeast through a loaf.
Like Zúme.
All because of PACE.