God Uses Ordinary People

Welcome to Zúme training. Zúme is the Greek word for “yeast.”

Jesus tells us that the Kingdom of God is like a woman who took a small amount of “zúme” and put into a great amount of dough.

As she worked the yeast into the mix, it spread until all of the dough was leavened.

Jesus was showing us that an ordinary person can take something very small and use it to make an impact that’s very big!

Our dream is to do what Jesus said -- to help ordinary people around the world use small tools to make a big impact in God’s kingdom!

Jesus’ final instructions to His followers were simple. He said — All authority in heaven and earth has been given to Me. Therefore — Go and Make Disciples of all nations Baptizing Them in the name of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit, Teaching them to obey all I have commanded, And I will be with you always - even to the end of the age.

Jesus’ command was simple -- Make Disciples

His instructions on how to do that were simple -- Make disciples wherever you’re going

So what are the steps to make a disciple?

Since one of the things He commanded is to make disciples, that means that every disciple who follows Jesus needs to learn how to make disciples too.

Those disciples are to make disciples. And those disciples are to make disciples, too.

Multiplying disciples. That’s how Zúme works

It’s like yeast - worked all through the dough until all of the dough is leavened.

When Jesus gave this command to go make disciples, He also gave a promise.

Jesus said - I will be with you always. Even to the very end of the age.

Every follower of Jesus should count on the promise that Jesus is always with us. Because He is!

But that also means every follower of Jesus should commit to the fact that Jesus wants each of us to make disciples. Because He does.

Jesus said - All authority in heaven and earth has been given to Me. Therefore go and make disciples.

The authority that Jesus relies on when He sends us -- is His authority.

Jesus says there is no authority higher than that. No tradition has more authority.

No culture has more authority. No law on earth has more authority.

Jesus said - Go and make disciples.

And like Zúme - like yeast - we’ll keep going and growing until all the work is done.