There are many ways to share God’s story.
The best way will depend on the person you’re sharing with and their view of the world and their life experiences. God uses hearts willing to share to work on hearts willing to hear. It’s His work. He just invites us to join in.
One way to share God’s Story is by sharing and describing a simple drawing that we call Three Circles
All of us live in a very broken world
We see and hear stories of suffering, death, war, disease, addictions. It’s everywhere. But this is not God’s original design.
God’s Perfect Design is a world full of love, joy, unity, and peace.
The way we took ourselves out of God’s Perfect Design and came into Brokenness is through something the Bible calls “sin.”
Sin is turning away from God’s way and pursuing our own way. Sin separates us from God. Sin throws us into Brokenness. Sin leads us to spiritual death.
People want out of Brokeness. We try all kinds of different things to get out. Some of us try drugs and alcohol. Some of us try to get out through a good job or by making a lot of money. Some of us think a relationship will get them out. Some even try religion -- we think good behavior or helping others will set us free.
None of these things ever actually fix the problem of Brokenness. Even when we feel like we get away for a moment… we’re snapped right back to where we started. Here’s a difficult truth. If we’re still there -- still in Brokenness -- when this life ends, then the Bible says we’re permanently separated from God. Forever.
The Bible calls that place “Hell.”
But God doesn’t want us to stay in Brokenness.
The Bible says -- God loved us so much that He sent His own Son to make a way out for us. Jesus came to earth to erase our Sin and take us away from Brokenness.
So Jesus, God’s Son, canceled our sin with His death.
Three days after Jesus died and was buried, He rose from the dead. Because of His great sacrifice, God made Jesus the King of everything in heaven and everything on earth.
King Jesus made a way out of Brokenness for us. God said that if…
… we TURN from our sin…
…and BELIEVE that Jesus died for us…
…and are BAPTIZED in the name of the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit…
Then God raises us -- just like JESUS -- to walk in a new kind of life as part of God’s family -- forever.
We then model this new life in the broken world, and await Jesus’ return when He will make a new heaven and new earth where we can be with Him forever in perfect wholeness.
God wants us to GROW in our relationship with Him. God wants us RESTORED back into His original Perfect Design.
As part of God’s family, Jesus gives us a mission -- a reason for living -- and a way to live the best possible life.
Jesus’ mission for us is to GO.
Jesus sends us -- just like His Father God sent Him -- back into Brokenness to help others break free and become part of God’s forever family too.
In this Three Circles world, there are only two kinds of people --
People who are … a part of God’s Perfect Design living out God’s rescue mission … helping reconnect God to His forever family.
People who are … still in Brokenness … trying everything to break free … hoping that someone will save them
There are many ways to share God’s story. The important thing is to share. God uses hearts willing to share to work on hearts willing to hear. It’s His work. He just invites us to join in.